-Lord, why do I feel so far from You?
You say when we feel far from You, You often are very near. Lord, help me feel Your presence so I do not feel alone. As I write these words, I pray and constantly think about You, yet You feel so nonexistent.
-What void am I trying to fill?
-Is it not your Love Lord?
-What else would I want, but Your love and peace?
And yet, you couldn't feel any further from me. You know what's best for us though. If You were to reveal yourself to me now, I may be puffed up in pride when you really desire my humbleness. Let me trust You and Your timing, and let this empty void be filled with only You. The more I write these words I fear never knowing You or leaving You because of my ignorance. Holy Sprit, guide me to never stop seeking God's love because even though I still have my doubt, I am more scared to not give You a chance and leave You.
Only through seeking You and Your love can we fill our void. So many of us turn to the things of this world which only satisfy us temporarliy. But You Lord, the Creator of all Creation are the only source needed to fill any void we may have. For without You, none of the things of this world would exist, and yet only through You do we feel true satisfaction.
-Why then do we constantly seek these things but You?
The pride, envy, anger, and greediness in our hearts keeps us far from You, and so we seek things externally to hope to satisfy these feelings. Let us seek You and Your love first Lord, and allow us to be filled with Your spirit.